Sunday, August 22, 2010

How can I advertize my car for sale for free?

Does anyone know where I can advertize my car for sale for free online? I need some popular sites!!!How can I advertize my car for sale for free?
Sure, go to, click on the biggest city near you, and it's free, a lot of people go there.How can I advertize my car for sale for free?

i am however curious as to why it's free.

or is the absolute best place to sell your car. Be sure you have 4 flattering photos of your vehicle and detailed info, just the bare minimum, doesn't have to be a novel.

Also, do add ';serious inquiries only, no cashier's checks or western union wires accepted';

I only say to add that line because you will sometimes get mail from illegitimate buyers who claim they will have their courier send you money for your car. Deal only with local buyers who communicate with you via phone. Cash only or verified bank checks should only be accepted.

Good luck!

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